Monday, 27 February 2017

How to debug scripts in Dynamics 365 Mobile/Tablet client

(T) Debug Account onLoad script for tablet/Mobile.


Create script file from web resource
============ new_account.js ================= 
   function OnLoadOfAccount() {
            alert("OnLoad called");

=====Add function(OnLoadOfAccount) on Form load of Account entity ============

Step 1) Generate URL  


To get the OrgName, go to CRM > Settings > Customization > Click on “Developer Resources ”option and find the Unique Name

Step 2) Hit the generated URL on browser and download the XML

 Step 3) Go to Account, Open or create any record and check the debugger point

Comment if you require more info.......

Saturday, 25 February 2017

How to hide + Icon of sub grid using Ribbon Workbench in Dynamics CRM

                     Import Ribbon Workbench in your CRM instance.
a)       Go to the below link to download it.

Steps to hide "+" icon of Contact sub grid from Account entity only.

Step 1) Create “Enable Rule” and add “Entity Rule” as step in Contact entity.

Step 2: Find Command names of “Add New{0}” and “Add Existing{0}” buttons.
For hiding the + icon from contact subgird, we need to add enable rule for “Add New” and “Add Existing” buttons.

Step 3) Add Enable rule ( for Command of “Add New” and “Add Existing” button.

Step 4: Publish the solution.

“+” icon is hidden from Contact sub grid for Account record. Though if you open it in any other associated entity, it will be visible there.

Comment if you require more info....... 

How to Install/provision Dynamics Portal (SaaS) using Admin Center

Go to Office 365 Admin Center Go to Click on Admin Install Dynamics Portal for your CRM instance Clic...